Monday's exercise
• 15 Sec plank, 15 Press ups, 15 Press up position to plank.
• 15 sec speed sprint on the spot x 4
• 15 squats, 15 squat to jump forward, 15 squats
• 15 left leg squats – 15 right leg squats
• 15 sec left leg balance, knee slightly bent
• 15 sec right leg balance, knee slightly bent
• 15 bicycle strides, lying on your back, legs extended as low as possible but NOT touching the floor and cycle x 4 reps.
• 15 crunches/V-sits
• 15 pass the item sit up, feet flat on floor pass an item (maybe a ball) from one side to another on the up position
• 15 Lye to dish holding dish position for 2 seconds
• 15 Crunches/V-sits
• 15 Press up position to inverted press up position with very small steps back to Press up position and do 1 press up.
• 15 Burpees
• 15 squats, 15 squat to jump forward, 15 squats
• 15 left leg squats – 15 right leg squats
• 15 sec left leg balance, knee slightly bent
• 15 sec right leg balance, knee slightly bent
• 15 Crunches/V-sits
• 15 squats, 15 squat to jump forward, 15 squats
• 15 sec speed sprint on the spot x 4
Tuesday's exercise -
Core Stability
• Hip extension
- Lying on you back with arms and feet flat on the floor and you knees bent extend you right leg straight out in front of you and lift your hips so your body is straight & hold for three (3) seconds and slowly lower your hips down to the floor . Repeat this 25 then change the leg that is straight
• Side extension
- Lying on your left side with your elbow on the floor lift your hips upwards to make your body straight, hold this for three (3) seconds & slowly lower. Repeat this 25 times then repeat lying on your right side.
• Single leg dips
- Standing on you left leg with your right leg staying approx 10 centimetres off the floor. Bend you left leg and lower down as far as you can go and stand back up balancing on your left leg. - Repeat with your right leg 25 reps per leg.
• One arm side balance.
- With your left hand and your left foot remaining on the floor lift your hips so your body is straight, then lift your right foot up, sideways towards the ceiling and back down to touch your left foot. Repeat this 25 times and then repeat on the other side.
• Hands & Knees balance.
- On all fours (hands & knees) lift your right arm out straight in front of you (level with your ear) whilst looking straight in front of you then lift you left leg straight behind you. Hold this position for 25 seconds and repeat it lifting the left arm and right leg. To make this more difficult you can lift the remaining foot off the floor so you are only balancing on your knee and opposite hand.
• Squat to T shape
- Standing straight, squat down, hold for 10 second as you stand up you push your right leg backwards and your arms and trunk go forward’s so your body is in a T shape. Hold the T shape and balance for 25 seconds, return to squat, hold for 10 seconds and repeat with the opposite leg. Repeat this exercise 10 times per side (20 in total).
• Speed side lifts
- Lying on you left side with your elbow on the floor, lift your hips up and return down as fast as you can ensuring your body goes to a straight position before returning to the floor. Repeat this 25 times then do the same on your right side.
Fitness – Wednesday
For today’s exercise you will need 2 carrier bags and 4 standard sizes tins of food.
○ Put two tins in each bag. ☆ These bags will be known as you dumbbells ☆ Hold one bag in each hand.
• Bicep curls
- Keeping your elbows close to the side of your body lift the dumbbells slowly up to your shoulders and then slowly back down again – 10 reps
• Lift to cross position
- Standing with the dumbbells by your side, slowly lift them up to the side until your arms reach the cross position – hold for 5 seconds – slowly return downwards towards your side – 10 reps
• Lift to the front
- Standing with the dumbbells by your side, slowly lift directly in front of you until your arms are level with your chin, hold for 5 second & slowly return your arms to your side – 10 reps
• Swing time
- Standing with your legs apart, almost in squat position, holding the two dumbbells between your legs and swing forward until the dumbbells are level with you head & return the dumbbells between your legs – 20 reps
• Reverse lifts
- Standing with one dumbbell in each hand, back straight. Hold each dumbbell over your shoulder and lift directly above your head keeping your arms as close to your ears as possible – 25 reps
• Wide arm press ups
- 10 reps
• Return descend to cross position
- Standing with your two dumbbells above your head, slowly descend keeping the arms straight and out to the dross position, hold the cross position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the upper position – 20 reps
• Cross to forward down & up
- Holding the dumbbells out in a cross position, slowly bring them together in front of you – hold for 5 seconds then slowly drop your arms to the front & lift back up to cross position – 10 reps
• Reverse dips
- Hands on the chair seat with your feet in front of you, lift your body to a straight position (approx 45°) lower your body keeping your bottom off the floor – 10 reps
• Standard press ups
- 10 as fast as you can
• Press up position plank hold to side star
- Starting in press up position, with one movement lift your LEFT arm up whilst turning your body sideways – hold for 5 seconds, slowly return to press up position & with one movement repeat on the RIGHT hand side – 10 reps
• Stretching
Thursday – Abs & Legs
• Crunches x 10
• Cycle crunch
- Sitting on the floor, feet off the floor, hands off the floor. Cycle without touching the floor 20 cycles per leg
• Squats x 30
• Jump to lunge x 10 per leg
• V-Sits x 10 per leg
▪︎ Double leg balance/extension
- Sitting on your bottom, feet & hands off the floor – extend your feet forward and return to a tuck position x 10 reps
• Leg raises
- Lying on your back, hands near your ears, feet approx 10cm off the floor slowly lift your feet (keeping your legs straight) up to 90° & slowly lower to 10cm off the floor x 10
• Star to dish
- Lying on your back, hands near your ears, feet approx 10cm off the floor. Widen your legs to a start shape (as wide as you can) then return to feet together x 20
• Burpees x 20
• 10 second speed run on the spot
• Arch roll to dish/dish roll to arch (Slowly) x 10 each side
• Side leg lifts x 20 per leg
• Side double leg lift x 20 per side
• Plank x 20 Second
• Mountain run x 10 seconds
• Crunches x 10
• Cycle crunch
- Sitting on the floor, feet off the floor, hands off the floor. Cycle without touching the floor 20 cycles per leg